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Analyzing the Heart diseases

Analyzing the Heart diseases

In the list of the health hazards which claim most of the American lives each year, the heart diseases of different kinds come out on the infamous first spot. And while leading the US list, it also is a very global threat too. Speaking of the sexes, men are a little more likely… These are:...

Ever Wondered Why Weight Loss is Hard?

Ever Wondered Why Weight Loss is Hard?

While it really is only natural to ask yourself why losing those few extra pounds is so damn hard, there’s no straightforward templated answer for that. If weight loss would have been that easy and required no discipline or any serious organizational prowess for that… These are: Design or Visual Looks; Functionality; Easy Installation and...

Stress Eating: How to Manage and Stop It

Stress Eating: How to Manage and Stop It

Oh, the stress eating…. Instagram, you have your digital belly full of the sacred images of it. The Facebook, however, is lagging close second, when it comes to witnessing just how much of the sweet and tasty stuff do people eat (and post) every day. Then I remember that… These are: Design or Visual Looks;...